Current Issues:

FTC Proposed Rule Banning Non-Competes
Inflation Reduction Act of 2022


ACA Test

Recent Analysis

Community Reinvestment Act Modernization: Comments on the May 2022 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - Urban Institute Housing
Immigrant Families in California Faced Barriers Accessing Safety Net Programs... - Urban Institute immigration
Accounting for Social Risk in Value-Based Payment and Quality Measurement - Urban Institute Healthcare
Housing Prices are Cooling Fast--and it's Hitting These Homes the Hardest - AEI Housing
Federal Weed Legalization: Less is More - AEI Marijuana
Ensuring Opportunity: Altering Wisconsin's Safety Net to Encourage Upward Mobility - AEI Poverty


Overall Urban Institute
Center for American Progress
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
Economic Policy Institute
Bipartisan Policy Center Reason Brownstone Institute
Hoover Institute
Manhattan Institute
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Health Care Urban Institue
Center for American Progress
Center for Budget and Policy Priorities
Economic Policy Institute
Kaiser Family Foundation
Bipartisan Policy Center
The Daily Signal
Mercatus Center
American Enterprise Institute
CATO Institute
Hoover Institute
Manhattan Institute
Competitive Enterprise Institute


What's the Matter with Michigan? October 11
FTC, Break Up the Longshoreman October 9
The ACA Achieved None of Its Goals September 25
Democrats Implicitly Admit Corporations Are People September 9
Why the Child Tax Credit Should Not Be Expanded August 17