Friday, March 21, 2025
Making Up for DOGE
In light of the Trump administration and DOGE’s antipathy towards foreign aid and NIH, and their significant budget cuts, the most moral and productive thing that can be done, for those who strongly disagree with these decisions and are concerned with the hardships they’ll cause worldwide is to donate money directly to the affected programs.
Below, I’ve identified the entire costs of these programs, but also try to break them out individually. I’ve also calculated how much each person would need to donate to make up for the cuts and, where I could, pointed to some organizations that have a history of addressing the same issues.
I encourage you to share any other organizations you come across that could fill in the gap. Also, if you have any links to news articles that identify some of the most effective programs within these agencies, please leave them in comments, and I’ll see if I can add them in to the estimates.
US Total Expenditures on Foreign Aid and Research

US Aid Budget by Year
- While USAID is the largest component, the entire foreign aid budget is $71.9 billion.
- The NIH budget is $47 billion.
Some Background Math
For tax-year 2022, the most recent-available, there were 161,336,659 total tax returns filed. Of these, 55 million were married filing jointly, 4 million were married filing separately, 21 million were heads of household, and 81 million were individuals. Since some of the 55 million married filing jointly were dual earners, I determined the total number of tax-payers by assuming 48.9% of the married couples were dual earners. That comes out to 187,155,980 earners paying federal income taxes, if my math is right. As an alternative number, there were 231,529,762 Americans over the age of 25 in 2023.Filling the Gap
The table below shows how much each adult or taxpayer would need to contribute to completely replace the programs. For example, if NIH were completely eviscerated, because the federal government spent $47 billion on it, each taxpayer would need to throw in $251.13 to make up for the loss.

Obviously, reality is much more complicated. Perhaps you want to make up for your NIH-skeptical friends and double your contribution. And, at this point, it’s not even clear that NIH spending will be cut, without Congressional approval. Also, maybe you want to focus your charity on the most effective aspects of these programs and not everything.
Individual Components
On March 10th, Secretary Rubio announced the review of USAID programs was done and they were cancelling “83% of programs at USAID.” Because “programs” could encompass small projects and large, it’s unclear how to translate that to a dollar figure. Fortunately, the Center for Global Development estimates the dollar figure to be around 34% of the annual spending. Of course, the normal caveat remains, that this money, as of now, still must be spent on foreign aid, it’s just Rubio and the new Trump-designated team that will direct it.
In addition, one might suspect that the programs cut would be the least beneficial and they maintained the most effective ones (the ones that would be the most difficult to defend cutting to voters), but nevertheless, 34% of USAID amounts to $15 billion.
The other major USAID program is PEPFAR, the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. Created by George W. Bush, PEPFAR provides relief to people living with AIDS around the world and is credited with saving more than 25 million lives.
The FY 2024 funding was $6.5 billion. Now, while that funding hasn’t been cut, it’s not getting to the people who need it, so the best use of dollars would probably address some of that gap.

Some organizations that overlap with PEPFAR
- The Global Fund (to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria)
- AIDS Healthcare Foundation
- AIDS Foundation South Africa
- Elton John AIDS Foundation - has a “Rocket Response Fund” as a direct result of US cuts
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Musk's Case Against Advertisers
Many people who strongly dislike Musk personally because of his politics or stance on free speech are overly dismissive of this case and are describing it in a tremendously overly simplistic way, which disregards strong arguments. Some are arguing that this lawsuit doesn't stand a chance because Musk is simply trying to punish companies for not advertising on X.
The reality is more complicated, and if you look at the specific arguments Musk is making and consider the economic principles in play, Musk has several strong and reasonable arguments.
Note, however, that the actions taken by GARM, the advertisers, and Musk himself, all have little to do with economics. It will help, when analyzing this situation, to consider whether the motivations are self-interested and pro-competitive, self-interested and anti-competitive, or just politics. Much of what is happening is driven more by politics and personalities than economics.
Still, the case will be considered as an economic one and legal one.
Who is GARM
The Global Alliance for Responsible Media was created in ... to "accelerate and advance the role that advertisers can play in collectively pushing to improve the safety of online environments." They are an initiative of the World Federation of Advertisers.
GARM was formed after the New Zealand Christchurch mosque shootings where the attack was livestreamed on social media. GARM was formed to help coordinate advertisers and push social media companies to enact media safety standards. GARM's members represent 90% of global advertising spending.
What did GARM Do
On October 31st, 2022, GARM issued a public blog post calling on Twitter to "uphold existing commitments." Shortly after that, many of GARMs participants reduced their advertising on X, some to zero.
Musk's Case
In my view, Musk/X's case can be summed up in four points:
- GARM is an organization that includes multiple competing firms to coordinate their advertising.
- Being a member of GARM obligates a company to join a boycott of a platform if the platform doesn't adhere to GARM's standards for social media moderation.
- GARM issued a public pronouncement and provided other information that facilitated an advertising boycott.
- These actions were illegal because they were a variation of collusion, allowing advertisers, and competing firms to jointly decide not to advertise on a platform.
The core economic principle in play is collusion. Competing firms cannot coordinate their actions in ways that reduce competition and harm consumers. The prototypical example of this is if competitors agree to a price and that neither will lower it. Because competitors are expected to try to win customers by lowering their prices, an agreement to stay price competition violates the Sherman anti-trust act and is illegal.
While a written or spoken agreement is a stark manifestation of collusion, collusion can also be accomplished "tacitly." This is much more difficult to prove, but companies can signal their intention to maintain prices by being very forward about advertising their prices, or make public statements about how the price of their goods is a very beneficial one. This serves as a signal to competitors that if the competitors don't lower their price, then they won't either.
While the X/GARM case is not about prices, prices serve as a helpful analogy when considering GARM's actions. Specifically, the issues here revolve around a boycott of advertisers. This implicates two anti-trust provisions: group boycotts and agreements not to advertise. These are separate concepts in the economics of anti-trust and should be considered individually.
According to FTC, group boycotts can be, but aren't always illegal. If they are used to give the boycotting firms an advantage in some way, they can be anti-competitive. The examples on FTC's website include lawyers boycotting a county court to force higher payments for themselves, physicians boycotting a firm that threatens to open a site that will compete with them, and auto dealers boycotting a newspaper to prevent them from telling consumers how to price-shop.
What these cases have in common is that they are all exercises of power where competing firms work to either reduce competition directly (the physicians), to reduce competition indirectly (preventing consumers from comparing prices), or to effect an outcome of reduced competition (the lawyers extracting higher prices).
What might not qualify as an illegal boycott would be an effort among competitors to force a buyer or seller to improve their products without reducing their competition. If Pepsi and Coke jointly boycotted a sugar manufacturer to induce them to change suppliers of sugar away from a plantation that uses child labor, for example.
The legal and economic questions may not lead to the same answer. What's economically reasonable is sometimes illegal, and what's economically bad is sometimes legal. Group boycotts are an unusual occurrence because, if a transaction is harmful to both competitors, it will usually be in their interest to boycott individually, and an agreement would be unnecessary. The necessity of an agreement suggests that there is an extent incentive for the competitors to renege.
While a group boycott always requires a reduction in competition, it may not be economically harmful in the long run if it is temporary, isolated, and aimed at producing a result that benefits consumers.
The other economic activity in question is advertising. Advertising is a medium of competition. Companies advertise with each other to try to gain market share by informing customers about their product in some way. An agreement not to advertise is akin to an agreement not to lower prices or not to compete with each other in certain geographies. All three of these harm consumers because they are agreements not to attempt to attract more customers and would be unlawful.
Will Musk Win or Lose?
One hurdle Musk may face is arguing that a coalition of competing firms, like GARM, can be treated as sets of competing firms that are acting in concert. If I were a judge, I think I would quickly accept this.
GARM's participants include many sets of competing firms, and even if they're not talking to each other, the organization acts as a clearing house and facilitator for economic decisions. If the organization decided to divvy up geographic markets for its participants; this would certainly be as anti-competitive had they come to the agreements industry by industry.
Firstly, for the group boycott, while coordinated boycotts from competing firms will almost always merit a close and careful consideration, in this case, GARM will no doubt claim that the boycott was not to extract economic concessions but to ensure product safety and that the brands that were members were not associated with harmful content, which would be bad for business.
Safety was considered an extenuating circumstance in previous cases, enough to placate the court.
On advertising, similar to a group boycott, the existence of an agreement to not advertise is not automatically illegal. If it the agreement has reasonable business justifications, like ensuring safety, the courts will probably accept it.
Musk's best arguments are to focus on the information sharing among the competitors. According to the complaint, GARM circulated a survey of its participants on their thoughts on boycotting and whether they planned to reduce advertising dollars. From an anti-trust point of view, this is extremely problematic. Giving companies information on their competitors' advertising plans undoubtedly facilitates an anti-competitive action.
For companies out of favor, this would be an automatic lawsuit from regulators.
For companies out of favor, this would be an automatic lawsuit from regulators. There is no reason to do this, and it would not fall into GARM's argument that this was all about safety.
His argument about the GARM post providing a focusing point for competing companies to coordinate their boycott is probably correct, and if a group boycott was an expectation of the participants if social media companies didn't meet standards, that might have also been a problem, but these problems disappear if the boycott was in service of safety standards.
The other argument that works in his favor is that there's very little evidence that any of these companies were harmed by X's safety standards. That they needed an agreement and coordinated action and didn't withdraw unilaterally indicates it wasn't about safety and it wasn't a decision that would've benefitted them acting alone.
While this is by no means a frivolous case, and it touches on unlawful and extremely risky behavior, I think Musk will ultimately lose, unless he gets a very strictly pro-competition judge. I also believe that this case is strong enough that if Musk had spearheaded the boycott instead of him being the victim of it, the FTC would have brought it against him.
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Welcome to Twitterdome
Main Takeaways:
- Musk has more headroom with Twitter than most are acknowledging.
- The individuals opining on Twitter and its fate are generally progressives and see Twitter as it is--a progressive-focused medium, which prevents them from seeing how it can expand.
Anyone on Twitter or tuned into the mediasphere knows by now that Elon Musk has assumed control of Twitter. With that change in ownership, many people are considering, warning of, or actually taking their leave of Twitter because of the change in leadership, and Musk's dedication to a more open, less moderated forum.
Interestingly, up until the moment that Elon Musk announced he wanted to purchase Twitter, people were complaining about rampant racism and threats on Twitter: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. Then, Twitter became a well-moderated platform for a couple months, but now that Musk has taken over and has said he wants to reduce moderation, the argument is that it will newly be a forum for awful people.
As a longtime listener of The Verge Podcast, I would recommend listening to this emergency episode which discusses the details of the purchase and some predictions. I reluctantly also recommend reading Nilay Patel's piece "Welcome To Hell, Elon." Reluctantly because Nilay, like the speakers in the podcast, while very knowledgeable about the issues are also quite carried by their political biases. It's pretty clear from their analysis that they strongly dislike Musk, which as a long-time listener, I noticed became quite strong as he staked a heterodox and free-speech political positions. As you listen/read, keep in mind that their analysis is tainted by this bias. Still, they raise some thoughtful arguments. One of which is that Elon will have to keep advertisers happy to succeed. They're not the only ones to argue this.
Listening to them, I was struck by the idea that they may be missing the forest for the trees. Because of their biases, they fail to see that Musk has quite a lot of space, actually, to expand. Only 22% of Americans use Twitter. This compares to 69% who use Facebook and 73% who use YouTube. Even Instagram has 37%.
In addition, Twitter's user base is heavily skewed towards Democrats and progressives. Even the employee base is skewed towards progressives.
While the user base is skewed towards the left, the more important skew is that it encourages engagement, which encourages extremism on both sides. There are enough awful people on that platform to attack a person proclaiming any position, left or right, or even moderate.
These all lead to the potential for Twitter to broaden its base and expand towards the middle. If Musk can figure out a way to make sure that the people departing the platform are on the extreme left, (and there's a good chance already that the people who are leaving are the ones who are most hostile to free speech), and also figure out a way to better incentive moderation in tone, it's possible that he can get Twitter to appeal to even more people.
A 22% share of adults is embarrassing for an app that begs to be used to pass a couple minutes--at the doctor's office, during commercial breaks, at red lights. If Musk can pull off the two things above, then advertisers will be happy to go along. Advertisers already focus on broad audience messages (at least broad in tone, not so much in specific targets for products).